Literacy Support Programme

Helping children with dyslexia and dyspraxia to achieve their full potential

IRD Duhallow’s Youth and Education Working Group identified that the most common reason for early school leaving was attributed to poor literacy skills, which were exasperated by a learning difficulty. To combat this, a literacy support programme, funded through LCDP, was set up to help children with dyslexia and dyspraxia to achieve their full potential.

Literacy Classes

Our weekly classes are given by tutors registered with the Dyslexia Association of Ireland. The lasses focus on developing children’s reading, writing, spelling, memory work and sequencing.

Touch Type Read Spell

The TTRS programme is a specially devised computer programme with dual learning for children, as they learn how to type and spell. The programme uses a multi-sensory approach and decodes new words by sounding them out, or in phonics terms, blending the sound-spelling patterns. The learner sees words on the screen, hears them via the headphones and feels their spelling on the keyboard. All the words and patterns used are based on the Alpha & Omega spelling method which is recommended for children with literacy difficulties.

Laugh and Learn Summer Camp

The Laugh and Learn Camp integrates learning and fun. Aimed specifically at children with literacy difficulties, these week long camps, held annually in the month of July sees children participate in literacy classes, but also structured play activities. These are specially designed to put into practice the work in the classroom, such as baking, but supporting children by reading off a recipe, or a written treasure hunt. Huge emphasis was placed on the personal development and growing each child’s confidence.

For more information on the IRD Duhallow’s Literacy Support Programme please contact Louise Bourke on 029-60633 or e-mail